6,059%Increase in year-over-year traffic. 1,001%Rise in year-over-year orders116%Growth in trafficCHALLENGEA subscription brand, seeking to revitalize their enrollments, faced the dilemma of a diminished affiliate marketing program. With most...

6,059%Increase in year-over-year traffic. 1,001%Rise in year-over-year orders116%Growth in trafficCHALLENGEA subscription brand, seeking to revitalize their enrollments, faced the dilemma of a diminished affiliate marketing program. With most...
ChallengeGen3 wanted to increase this ethically-sourced diamond jewelry business brand's awareness through Find Your Influence, a self-managed online portal that allows brands to connect with influencers and have their products placed. They selected to open an...
World Wide Stereo: A Budget-savvy Campaign that Draws in New Partners70%increase in YoY traffic contribution from content partners (From 25% to 45%)30%AOV (Average-Order-Value) increaseThe ChallengeWorld Wide Stereo (WWS) and one of their...
Paula's Choice: A Turnaround Story224%increase in traffic (clicks) for content partners209%YoY increase in content partner revenue28%YoY increase in 7-figure gross affiliate salesThe ChallengePaula’s Choice Skincare works with a big variety of...
Nutribullet: Building Content Partnerships to Drive Top-of-Funnel Engagement49%program clicks from content partners25%program sales from content partners10%ecommerce sales driven through the affiliate channelThe ChallengeNutribullet is one of the...
Home Depot: Driving Affiliate Revenue Growth with a Flat Budget68%Increase in revenue YoY69%Reduction in cost YoY45%ROAS increase YoYThe ChallengeHome Depot came to Gen3 with a simple, yet difficult, challenge — Develop a program that could support...
Lorex: Orchestrating 200% Growth with Deep Dive Analysis200%ROAS increase YoY213%Increase in 7-figure gross affiliate sales142%Increase in clicks YoYThe ChallengeLorex is a provider of security camera systems for small businesses and consumer markets...
FreshDirect: A Geo-targeted Loyalty Drives New Customer Growth169%YoY lift in total client sales171%YoY lift in new customer sales for a gross ROI of $12.50x66%YoY lift in sales by lapsed customers for gross ROI of $12.48xThe ChallengeFresh Direct is...
Chicco: A New Amazon PPC Approach Drives 10X Growth954%Increase in revenue per day1150%Increase in orders1000%Increase in overall performanceThe ChallengeChicco’s Amazon advertising program was showing limited growth in early 2019, and they asked...