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Home Case Studies Search Marketing Tactical, Targeted Link Building To Build Brand Awareness, Authority, and Organic Search PresenceGen3 Marketing Logo - Light Blue Background By Gen3 Marketing Posted on May 16, 2024

Tactical, targeted link building to build brand awareness, authority, and organic search presence.

Coworkers strategizing together over a laptop.
New Linking Domains
Higher-Quality Domains
Domain Authority Increase

The Challenge

A holiday decorations ecommerce client was facing tough competition from larger, more recognized brands. They sought an SEO advantage to attract new customers interested in holiday decorating amidst fierce competition. The challenge was to enhance their backlink profile in a niche market, boosting brand awareness and domain authority.

The Gen3 Approach

The team pinpointed authoritative websites relevant to the client’s niche, fostering content sharing and backlinks to boost brand awareness and SEO value. Emphasizing audience benefit over product promotion, they crafted valuable content on DIY holiday decorations, fostering cooperation with DIY websites. A disavow file cleaned up the client’s backlink profile for enhanced credibility.

The Results

The efforts let to an improvement in the client’s spam score, an increase in brand awareness among those in the DIY décor space, and boosted domain authority correlating with increased backlinks:
  • The backlink profile’s focus shifted to higher-quality domains (81%).
  • Number of linking domains increased from 1,750 to over 4,700.
  • Domain authority saw a steady increase as the backlink profile was cleared and backlink quality improved, increasing from the mid-40s to the mid-50s.

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