877-258-4199 info@gen3marketing.com


Buy Now, Pay Later: A Rising Marketing Opportunity

Buy Now, Pay Later: A Rising Marketing Opportunity

Blog PostEveryone understands what "buy now, pay later" means. It’s an idea that goes back millenia. The real question is why it’s back in the headlines and what that means for brands.The answer is the recent rise of third-party Buy Now/Pay Later platforms that allow...

10 Strategies for Growing Your Business with Affiliate Marketing

10 Strategies for Growing Your Business with Affiliate Marketing

Blog PostThe competitive landscape of the modern market is constantly changing. Big leaders can be swallowed up by scrappy start-ups at any moment, and customer loyalty can shift in the blink of an eye. Affiliate marketing provides a valuable bulwark against...

How to Get the Most Out of Your Influencer Marketing Efforts

How to Get the Most Out of Your Influencer Marketing Efforts

Blog PostInfluencer marketing can be a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and attracting engaged consumers.In order to make the most of your affiliate marketing efforts, it's important to understand \who influencers are and what they do. A recent definition...

Do Affiliate Links Help with SEO?

Do Affiliate Links Help with SEO?

Blog PostIt's a common question—one that could use a good answer:Does affiliate activity directly tie into SEO value?To answer "yes" would be somewhat misleading. In most cases, SEO values remain separate from affiliate activity—once an end user clicks a link and is...

TM+ Bidding and Campaigns: The WHAT and the WHY

TM+ Bidding and Campaigns: The WHAT and the WHY

Blog PostTM+ campaigns can be a boon for advertisers. However, like any marketing technique, it takes a solid understanding to extract the maximum benefits.TM+, or "Trademark plus" is when publishers bid to use an advertiser's name plus another keyword. This usually...

Resilience in Affiliate Marketing During COVID-19: Letter From Gen3

Resilience in Affiliate Marketing During COVID-19: Letter From Gen3

The following letter is from Co-CEOs Mike Tabasso and Andy Cantos detailing the performance of Affiliate Marketing strategies today during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. We hope that you, your staff, families, friends and neighbors are all healthy and doing well during...