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Actionable Insights – March 05, 2024

Episode Fifteen: Game Changing Growth

How Amazon Brands Can Now Join Their DTC Peers to Benefit from Affiliate Publishers Relationships. 


In this podcast, Rob Schab from Levanta discusses the evolution of affiliate marketing and the game-changing benefits of Levanta for CPG and manufacturer brands.

He explains how Levanta works, including tracking and data insights for brands. Rob also shares a success story with Ella Bella and provides an actionable insight for brands to consider using Levanta to expand their reach and drive more sales.


Levanta is an affiliate network specifically for Amazon sellers, providing a platform for brands to track external sources and work with affiliates.

Levanta offers benefits for both publishers and brands, including increased brand awareness, organic rank boost, and the ability to earn a 10% brand referral bonus.

Using Levanta in conjunction with Amazon Associates allows publishers to multiply their revenue by driving external traffic to brand product detail pages.

The success story of Ella Bella showcases the potential of Levanta, with the brand experiencing significant growth and brand awareness through the affiliate program.


Kerry Curran

Hello. Welcome to our latest episode of Gen3’s Actionable Insights, where we provide performance marketing and affiliate strategies for driving your business results.

Today, we’re very excited to have Rob from Levanta to talk about ‘Game Changing Growth’

How Amazon sellers can now join their DTC peers to benefit from affiliate publisher relationships.

Welcome, Rob from Levanta. Rob, please introduce yourself and explain a little bit why anyone should listen to you today.

Rob Schab

Thanks so much for having me, Kerry. I’m really excited to be chatting with the Gen3 crew. Why people should listen to me? I would say unless I’m talking about affiliate marketing or baseball… You probably shouldn’t be listening to me.

But in this case, we check one of those boxes. I think I mentioned this to you before I consider myself to be a little bit of a like an affiliate existentialist.

What I mean by that is I’m always questioning like what is the purpose of this? What is the meaning of what we’re doing here? And I think with that sort of like philosophy around the industry…

You ask a lot of good questions and you come up with a lot of like unique perspectives. And I think that that’s what’s actually led me to start a couple of the companies that I’ve started and have this really unique value prop, unique positioning and have success with that.

So, I’ve started Levanta, which I’m the co-founder and CMO of now. And I previously started Grovia, which was acquired by an affiliate agency a couple of years back. But that’s me, yeah.

Kerry Curran

Great, well thanks, I mean definitely you bring a lot of interesting insight to the industry and obviously to this call today. So, how do you explain to your great aunt or people outside the industry, how do you explain what you do?

Rob Schab

Yeah, I do have a story for my grandmas and my great aunts that is around like a lemonade stand analogy, but I think that kind of is more affiliate marketing in general. I mean, put more simply, when I’m talking to my friends and whatnot, I’m usually like, hey, you ever bought anything on Amazon? Which the answer is always yes, right? And then do you ever go to Google and search best hairdryer or best air purifier and click on an ad or click on the first result? Go to a page and you see a link to a product that goes to Amazon, well that’s us.

Now, that usually makes people scared that like everything on the internet is a lie. So, I have to talk about editorial integrity and stuff, but that’s like the most basic way I explain to people.

Kerry Curran

That makes a lot of sense and simplifies it a bit. We always ask as our icebreaker here. If you were to create a sandwich, what would it be and where would you distribute or sell it?

Rob Schab

I don’t know if this qualifies as a sandwich so much. Maybe a breakfast sandwich. When we had first started Levanta, I was actually living in Buenos Aires in Argentina, and they have these things called medialunas, which are little like really sweet croissants, but I would always get a medialunas with jamón y quesco – ham and cheese, and I had one like every single morning.

Yeah, you should definitely have one. And in fact, I don’t even want to sell them. I just want the world to know, like go have these. If you’ve got like a local Argentinian cafe, I know there’s one in Seattle and New York and LA, go try medialunas, they’re so good.

But if I had to sell them, maybe I would use my lemonade stand analogy. I would, it’s pertaining to affiliate marketing. I could have a little sandwich stand and I’d have one guy going door to door, handing out flyers and one guy with a sign on the corner with a different QR code. Somebody handing out coupons on the block. That’s my little affiliate marketing crew. All my affiliates working for me to sell sandwiches.

Kerry Curran

I love it, I love it, and now I definitely want to try one. You’ve shared a little bit about your history but tell us a bit more about kind of in your career within affiliate marketing. How have you seen the evolution and what has really stood out to you the most?

Rob Schab

Yeah, it’s interesting. You’ve mentioned that I have kind of a long affiliate career. I’ve been in the space for seven years. The interesting thing about affiliate marketing is like there’s so many lifers that have been in affiliate marketing for their entire career. I’ve known so many people that have done it for 20-plus years. It’s a 35-year-old industry.

But in my time, the thing that I’ve noticed the most is, and you’ll hear me talk about this a lot, is the concept of incrementality, right? And I think that as time has gone on over the past decade, people, brands, agencies alike have really started to focus more on incrementality.

The early programs that I would jump into and take a look at, I mean, they were all cashback and coupon. And don’t get me wrong, those types of affiliates, they absolutely have their place in the industry.

But I think nowadays you’ll look, and you’ll see that. A lot of these programs are going to have more content, influencer, media buyers, and the likes. And you’ll find a lot that are no coupon and cashback at all. I think there’s been a little bit of a shift there.

I think brands have started too really understand the concept of incrementality. But you’ll even see programs or brands nowadays that have two separate programs, one for all of their coupon cashback and one for all their content influencer.

I find that really interesting. I think that’s the biggest change I’ve seen.But I mean, lots of new tools, ever evolving industry. Probably could talk about that kind of stuff for the whole show.

Kerry Curran

Yeah, definitely. I think that’s what’s the most fascinating, I think, is that it’s always evolving. Even I’ve been in it for a year, and I’ve already seen the changes, including Levanta.

Tell us a bit about Levanta and how you came up with the idea.

Rob Schab

Yeah, so, Levanta at a high level. We’re an affiliate network. So, a lot like an Impact, CJ, Awin. But specifically, for Amazon sellers. And I guess maybe we’ll get more into the technical piece of things later down the line.

As far as how we came up with the idea… When we had started our previous company, one of our biggest clients for Grovia was a company called Mohawk, which is now called Aterian.

I’m throwing out a bunch of names nobody’s probably ever heard of. But it’s interesting because… Aterian is an Amazon aggregator at its core. They sell tons of different products and brands on Amazon. They also have a DTC Shopify store.

They had come to Grovia, which was an affiliate recruitment agency, and they’d asked… Hey, can you recruit affiliates for our brand? And so, we started doing it, recruiting affiliates into their impact program.

And they’re like, hey, actually, can you get them to promote our Amazon products in stores? And we’re like… No, it’s not how it works, we can’t do that. They’re like, no, actually we have this tool called DealMojo. And DealMojo, again, at its core is kind of like Levanta.

It was a way for them to track sales from affiliates for their Amazon products. Anyways, things kind of went on. Grovia was acquired by Acceleration Partners. I took over as VP of Strategic Initiatives where my big thing was, hey, Amazon… accounts for 40% of US e-commerce sales. Why are we not providing a service there? And AP was like, yeah, let’s try it. We started bringing clients onto this platform called DealMojo, which was built by a brand, which automatically made it kind of a funky setup.

Those tests were immense failures. We could not scale Amazon affiliate programs on this platform. And look, this platform was fairly groundbreaking. It laid the foundation for kind of a lot of what we’re doing here today. But there were a lot of gaps in it that made it difficult to fit into like the existing affiliate ecosystem, the existing affiliate workflows, and it just didn’t work for us.

So, I basically said… Why can’t we build this ourselves? We know how affiliate marketing works. We know what affiliates need. Well, I pitched the idea to the company that acquired us, and they basically said no.

So, they said… hey, but you can go build it yourself. We’re not gonna stifle entrepreneurship, go do it. So, myself and my two co-founders that were the same founders as Grovia, we went on and started Levanta and here we are.

Kerry Curran

It makes so much sense because of the volume of sales that go through Amazon and the comfort that shoppers have with purchasing through Amazon, even when they have a choice of DTC or Amazon. Definitely a brilliant idea.

And a little bit what we’ve talked about was how it really is game changing for our industry. For CPG and manufacturer brands that don’t currently have their own brand.com or DTC site. But also, for the publishers.

Talk a bit more about that perspective and like what these brands should recognize, both publishers and brands should recognize that it is how game changing it is.

Rob Schab

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, it is, its game changing for all parties involved. It’s game changing for brands of all types. Ones that just sell on Amazon, brands that sell Omni-Channel, CPG brands that mostly sell retail. It’s big for affiliates, as you mentioned. It’s big for agencies. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be talking.

On the brand side, when we’re looking at just brands in general, affiliate marketing has been around forever. Brands want to use affiliate marketing. Traditionally, it’s been kind of contained to the DTC Shopify ecosystem, not just Shopify, but anyone who’s got their own site.

Now all of a sudden, we’re opening up the doors for brands that also sell on Amazon to be able to work with affiliates where traditionally, when you’re out there recruiting affiliates, you have to fight against Amazon. You have to say, hey, I’d love for you to actually, link to our direct-to-consumer site because… Frankly, we can’t track your performance on Amazon, so we can’t pay you. We have no visibility.

So that was a huge headache for my agency. I’m sure it is for yours. You’re having to fight against the behemoth that is Amazon. I now say if you can’t beat them, join them. We’re enabling that mentality. We’re opening up this new channel where brands can work with affiliates that want to promote Amazon.

There are many reasons they want to promote Amazon. It is the highest converting shopping cart in the world. So, affiliates are going to keep sending traffic there. Now you can give them an additional incentive to promote your brand on Amazon over the next.

To your point about retail. Traditionally they don’t have a dot com. They don’t have their DTC website at all. They sell on Amazon. They sell in retail and that’s sort of their big channels. They’re having to really focus on brand marketing. That’s their biggest lever they have.

L’Oreal, for example you know L’Oreal… but they can’t start an affiliate program. I think that Levanta is game changing for them in that these big, Fortune 500 CPG brands… L’Oréal, Kellogg’s, Unilever, P&G. All of a sudden, the massive $7 billion affiliate industry is available to them too, which unlocks some prospects for you. it’s been interesting.

Kerry Curran

Definitely. And as we talked about, I’ve spent much of my career in the Amazon e-commerce space, going back to when Amazon advertising was new, and they were fighting for advertising dollars with Google.

I published an age of Amazon paper in 2016 that was groundbreaking at the time and now just table stakes. I think to your point, it’s like… These brands invest so much in the branding side of it. And then once the traffic is on Amazon, so much money or other retail sites, there’s so much money spent in the retail media networks.

And that’s where Amazon’s generating so much of their revenue. So, where I see the opportunity here really is additionally, Amazon doesn’t wanna keep paying Meta and Google for the traffic to Amazon. This way the brands are picking up some of the responsibility of driving traffic to their product pages. It seems like from that perspective, very valuable for all parties or mutually beneficial as we say a lot in this industry.

Rob Schab

It’s definitely a win for Amazon too. That’s one of the parties I didn’t mention. I mean, this is all enabled by Amazon. Their idea here with the attribution API is to enable brands and sellers to drive as much external traffic as possible.

I mean, by doing that, they’re basically creating this army of marketers out there driving more traffic to Amazon instead of them having to do everything. It’s like, hey, this is kind of your own affiliate program as well. It’s worked for them.

Kerry Curran

The other aspect as well is we have a lot of clients coming to us more and more interested in the performance PR angle of affiliate, like you were saying, the publisher sites, the more upper funnel that aren’t necessarily discounts, cashback, coupons, but just awareness and traffic driving, full funnel, because they have that purchase capability.

And I think that’s… That’s where the CPG and manufacturing brands are also going to really benefit. It’s like now they can be in good housekeeping or glamour or men’s health and be able to track the performance and reward the publishers that are driving that.

It seems to me like we keep using the phrase game changing, but it opens up so many more advertising opportunities, but also optimization and performance.

Rob Schab

Absolutely. I know. I can’t even imagine coming from the brand world and being like, what, we can get attribution all of a sudden? What are they going to do with all that data?

Kerry Curran

Yeah, but it’s true. And I think tracking, where I see going back to when Amazon was pulling budget from Google, I see this as a bit more of pulling budget from Google and Meta as well, of trying to drive it through the publishers to Amazon.

Anyway, lots of benefits here and I hope that the CPG and manufacturing brands that don’t have their DTC sites are sitting up and listening to this opportunity. Switching gears, a bit. Talk to us a bit about how it works and how you’re able to track.

I know a big question that keeps coming up is, well, we have Amazon associates, like how is this different? Dive in a bit there, please.

Rob Schab

Yeah, sure. So maybe I’ll start with the Amazon Associates side. So, Amazon Associates obviously been around forever, and it is an incredibly lucrative affiliate program for Amazon and for the affiliates even. But from the seller or the brand perspective, Amazon Associates is a complete black hole. There’s no impact, CJ, Awin experience. They don’t have a platform. They have no visibility into what affiliates are driving sales to their products.

So, that’s consequently… it’s just not a channel that they can invest in. Amazon eventually launched what’s called the attribution API. Or Amazon attribution, if you will. And basically, it allows Amazon sellers to track external sources.

It’s almost like a Google analytics for an Amazon seller. So Levanta… Basically, we integrate with the Amazon attribution API so that we can create sort of this affiliate network like experience that sellers have otherwise been lacking. We have to integrate with every single seller’s individual Amazon attribution API that’s how we grow. We sell our software to the Amazon sellers, but by connecting with hundreds and hundreds of sellers and brands, getting us access to 120,000 Amazon products… we’re able to make those available for affiliates to promote.

A brand will come connect their attribution API; we’ll pull on their products, they’ll set commissions. And then those products are discoverable by affiliates on the other side of our platform. When an affiliate wants to promote one of those products, they could come into our platform, create a link. And when I say link, it’s really a set of attribution parameters that they can append to their existing Amazon links, if they’d like.

That allows us to track clicks, conversions, add to carts, sales, and then of course, calculate commissions and pay out all the affiliates just like an affiliate network.

Kerry Curran

That’s great. And so, it provides so much more data and tracking and optimization. Talk more about the features or I guess the benefits to the brands when they have all of that data and kind of what levels of data, you’re able to track.

Rob Schab

I think the first thing by having sort of that transparency into being able to track the performance of an individual affiliate, you get to determine if like they’re a valuable affiliate to you or not. And you can control the incentives, like you can control the commissions that you offer them or the flat fees.

Whereas again, with Amazon Associates, you don’t get to do that. Amazon Associates kind of sets those commissions at a… product category level.

So, there’s no way to stand out from the competition other than just having a better product, which you probably wanna do anyways. But by having the ability to increase these incentives, like you’ll inherently drive more traffic. But then there’s more benefits beyond that.

I think just generally having the insight into where your traffic is coming from is valuable. And being able to turn off sources that you don’t wanna work with, I think is also valuable. One thing that’s… Here’s an advanced tip that won’t be available to every single brand… Anyone that’s got access to Amazon DSP, which I’m going to assume is probably most of these big CPG brands we were mentioning earlier. They have very few levers for retargeting Amazon traffic. Any traffic that comes through Amazon attribution is actually then retargetable as in I can build retargeting campaigns specifically, to deliver ads… both on Amazon and off Amazon to anyone that came through my affiliate traffic.

This is something that now you’re probably like one of three people that even know that I haven’t really talked about it much, but I think it could be a huge thing for the right brand.

Kerry Curran

No, that makes a lot of sense. And I think it goes back to historically when you’re driving sales through a retail site, you don’t own your data. You don’t own your customer. You don’t get to your point; you don’t have insight.

And so, I think it is game changing on so many levels. And I think you were saying for the granular data that you’re collecting at the kind of product level, you’re able to get clicks and conversions and add to cart and sales data. The data that you need to know how it’s performing.

If someone’s actually going to the site or to Amazon purchasing, not purchasing and then commissioning back on the sales, right?

Rob Schab

Yeah, I mean, you’re going to have pretty much the same data you’re going to get on the DTC side. As you mentioned, clicks, add to cart, conversions, sales, commissions. I’d say one of the downfalls just to throw in a con. So, it doesn’t seem like I’m fully biased. You’re obviously going to not get the same granular user level data. This is part of Amazon’s data privacy protection. They don’t want you to be able to pass in like any unique user identifiers. eventually you will get order level data on the back end, but it is a little bit difficult to tie a conversion back to the initial click that has sort of some, some troubles.

Kerry Curran

Yeah, there’s still some protection of consumer data, which obviously is important as well.

Great. You had talked a bit about from the marketplace perspective and how brands are not necessarily looking for the coupons and loyalty. I know so many of the brands that call us are saying we just want content. Are there other kind of benefits there from that perspective of driving the content versus coupons.

Rob Schab

I don’t think this was necessarily on purpose with Levanta. Bu it just so turns out that the majority of the revenue driven through our marketplace is going to be incremental revenue.

We work with content sites and media buyers, influencers, Facebook groups, so on and so forth. And they’re driving a good bulk of the revenue through Levanta.

If you were to go to a traditional affiliate platform or network, you’d probably see that like Retail Me Not, or honey, or CapitalOne Shopping, probably driving a lot of the revenue in those big platforms.

That’s just not the case for us. It could be partly like the use case. It could be the nature of the Amazon, not exactly sure to be honest. But I think that it’s turned out to be a good selling point for us in that we say this a lot, like, hey, it’s not that we don’t want to support cashback and coupon, it’s just that we don’t. It hasn’t really worked out that way.

I think that’s been a big sort of a selling point when we’re talking to like traditional affiliate managers.

Kerry Curran

It definitely creates so many opportunities. And so, you talked about there’s some, it’s better suited for some types of brands than others. Share a bit of what types of brands do really well through your platform.

Rob Schab

I think not so much this works better for some brands than others. I think that different subsets of affiliates in our network will do better for some brands rather than others. You know, like we work with media buyers.

So again, if you go back to my example earlier, if you search best curling irons or best dehumidifiers, you’re going to see a lot of Google ads to like a buyer’s guide or a buyer’s report or things like this. Those types of affiliates, they love sort of like high priced, like high intent, low consideration type of products with high commissions. They’re able to drive hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to the right product.

But it’s harder for those guys to justify buying Google ads for a $20 set of socks. But those $20 set of socks, do better with different types of affiliates.

They might do better with influencers and, Facebook groups. It might do better with different types of media buyers that are maybe buying social ads that need like really low price, low consideration type products.

So, I think in our network, there’s something for everyone. Now that’s not a guarantee, like no matter what brand comes on is gonna be successful. Like we have a pretty low churn rate, but people do churn, and I would say like products that don’t work well are if you just sell paper clips on Amazon, like it’s tough for affiliates to want to promote a box of paper clips.

So, like there are certain types of products that may not make sense.

Kerry Curran

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

From the publisher perspective, we’ve already seen with our clients working through your platform that they’re very eager to pick up the Amazon links and the products like the CNN and the more high profile types of publishers are really leaning into that.

Rob Schab

Yeah, absolutely.

We’ve had, I would expect it to be much harder for us to get a lot of those big media companies on board. Your CNNs, Fox, New York Magazine and the likes. They’ve loved it, they’ve loved it and they’ve come on.

We’re only really a year and a month old and we’ve got a lot of those big players on board and I’m hoping that this year we’ll have all of them. We’ll see.

Kerry Curran

You talked about multiple halo effects of the benefit of driving that external traffic to the brand product detail pages, talk a bit more about that.

Rob Schab

Yeah, so it’s funny, like we use halo effect for two kind of completely separate things that are both super important to this.

From the affiliate perspective, halo effect means… I can send traffic to Amazon, especially with associates. And even if the user ends up purchasing a product that wasn’t the initial product that they clicked to, I’m going to get that commission.

With Amazon Associates, the halo effect is Amazon wide. With Levanta, the halo effect is sort of brand wide. But the good news is, I haven’t mentioned this yet, for now at least, affiliates can use Amazon Associates and Levanta in parallel, so you can get both commissions at the same time.

Now the other halo effect, which is equally important on the brand side, is the more traffic that you drive from external sources, so Levanta, the more affiliate traffic that you drive, the better you’re going to rank organically on Amazon.

This external traffic is one of the biggest levers for increasing your organic rank. So, what a lot of brands will do on our platform is set their commissions basically, at a point where they’re going to break even on that sale.

They’re not going to profit knowing that the more… that’s going to drive more traffic because affiliates are more incentivized, and that traffic is of course going to increase their organic rank.

They’re going to drive more organic sales. They can invest back in the affiliate program kind of creates this flywheel effect. So, kind of two sides there.

Kerry Curran

Great, no, thank you. So many benefits.

Can you share a bit of how a brand can use Amazon Associates with Levanta?

Rob Schab

Yeah, so when you say brand, I assume you mean like the publisher brand. So, right now, theoretically you can use both systems in tandem, meaning, you can have an Amazon link. You can have your associates tag and then you could have your Levanta attribution parameters sort of in that same link.

This allows the affiliate to essentially double dip. Which is really crazy right now. It’s hugely beneficial to the publishers because they were already benefiting from Amazon Associates. Yes, the rates were low, but they still did it anyways.

Now all of a sudden, you can get quadruple, even more, the commission. The technical side, of course, as I just mentioned, you just kind of marry the parameters. With Levanta, we actually have a 14-day cookie window instead of a 24-hour cookie window. And then I mentioned the halo effect is a little bit more narrow with Levanta.

But one thing that’s really interesting to me is that our EPC in isolation. So, for affiliates, the earnings per click is around 51 cents on average across all of Levanta, something like I did a study on 2 million clicks.

A different study that shows just the Amazon associates, 2 million clicks. The EPC for Amazon associates was like 7 cents. So, Levanta in isolation, theoretically, is more profitable for the affiliate. In a world where maybe that double dipping doesn’t exist, which I could very well, see that happening, we’ll see.

I got a root for Levanta here. We have a much higher APC. So just plug in that while I can.

Kerry Curran

No, that’s great. This makes so much sense.

Publishers that are already seeing success from a volume perspective for Amazon Associates, if they work with a brand that’s partnered with Levanta, they can add that Levanta link, the Amazon Attribution tracking to that same link and. basically, just multiply the… revenue that they’re generating.

Again, so many benefits, especially for those brands that depend on Amazon for sales.

Yeah, and one last piece that we didn’t touch on was the additional benefit for 3P sellers through Amazon. Do you want to just about the 10% earnings back that they can earn?

Rob Schab

We talked about the organic rank boost that a brand can get from… or a seller can get from external traffic. Well, in addition to that, we have what’s called the brand referral bonus. Amazon is basically offering a kickback to brands for any sales that they drive from external sources.

Amazon’s gonna give them 10% back as a bonus on all those sales. It comes in the form of sort of a break in their Amazon fees, their marketplace fees, but it feels like you’re getting a 10% bonus. Another huge benefit.

Kerry Curran

We’ve talked about all of the benefits. You want to share, I know you have a great success story with Ella Bella. I want to dive into that a bit.

Rob Schab

Yeah, absolutely, it’s funny, right? As you were saying that, my Slack notification mute decided to turn off and Ella Bella was slacking me right now. Let me mute that while I answer the question. I’ll of course get back to them.

But Ella Bella’s a great case study. They started out as a pretty small sort of one man, two-man pop-up shop selling curling irons and straighteners on Amazon. They took the gamble early on with us and basically said, affiliate marketing, I’m in.

And they connected to Levanta to set their commissions at a pretty high rate, still profitable. I think they set their commissions at like 25%. And they basically turned the affiliate channel into what we expect this year to be upwards of a $10 million channel for just Ella Bella and one of their auxiliary products, which is a smart lock.

It’s just crazy to see these brands that you’ve never heard of. You probably never know Ella Bella prior to all this. Actually, as a result of this, people are starting to recognize the brand.

If you go to Reddit and search best curling iron, you’ll start to see people talking about Ella Bella and those communities. I think that’s one of the benefits of affiliate marketing that people forget is this is like, yeah, we can track these clicks and conversions, but also, it’s amazing for brand awareness.

And then the organic rank that we just talked about, we’re driving so much more sales through that organic side for Ella Bella than they previously were just because so much traffic is coming from their affiliate program.

So, it’s, I mean, they’re really getting the best of it.

Kerry Curran

Yeah, definitely. And congrats on the success to Ella Bella. That’s very impressive.

Great, and I know, so for us and our partnership, it’s that our benefits are, that we’re excited about are expanding the reach and channels that we’re helping our clients sell through.

And then we’re bringing on a number of brands that only sell through Amazon. So, I think for the affiliate, for the affiliate marketing world and for the CPG and marketers out there. This is so much growth potential and we’re excited to be along for the ride with you.

So, and now we ask all of our guests to end with an actionable insight, something that brand advertisers or affiliates could act on today. Like what would be your actionable insight to share today?

Rob Schab

Oh man, I mean, I’m gonna sound like a broken record here. Man, really, like, it’s hard for me to talk about much else because this is just growing so quickly and really a huge benefit to brands.

I would just say, if you are a brand that has an affiliate program D2C today and it’s going well, just see what’s gonna happen on the Amazon site. I guarantee you’ll be happy to check it out. You know, give this a shot.

Levanta and then even our competitors there are now like smaller companies that are popping up doing this that are frankly cheaper than us. Give it a try. You can open up this channel and test it out and just see what potential it has in store for most brands.

I think they’ll be pleasantly surprised

Kerry Curran

Well, thank you, Rob, so much.

Again, we’re very excited for working with Levanta and the game-changing benefits to many in our industry. Thank you, and we look forward to having you on again in the future.

Rob Schab

Thanks so much, Kerry. Appreciate the time and thanks for having me.