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Home News & Events Stepping Up Together To Support UkraineGen3 Marketing Logo - Light Blue Background By Gen3 Marketing Posted on Apr 4, 2022

On February 24, 2022, the world watched in horror as the Russian government launched a military invasion in Ukraine that brought about the biggest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II. People’s lives were shattered, and they braced themselves with the sole focus of survival.

With numerous active war zones in occupied towns and large cities under shelling, infrastructure gradually crumbled, resulting in loss of access to electricity, heating, water, food, and medication. Those who were willing and able abandoned their homes and fled the cities. Others have hidden in bomb shelters and basements with their families.

As the conflict continues to unfold, many suffer. This includes children, the elderly, and people with medical or chronic conditions who can no longer receive the care or medicine they require. Of course, that’s just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the suffering caused by this war.

As a global agency with employees in six continents, this devastating crisis has impacted many lives, including our coworkers. With offices in Europe and employees with families around the world, we continue to feel the impact of this conflict on our colleagues, as well as their families, friends, and communities.

How can we help?

As a collective, we are committed to do our part in supporting Ukraine. We’ve carefully selected an organization we believe can make a meaningful and immediate impact in providing help and easing the suffering of those affected by the conflict: Direct Relief.

Direct Relief is working directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and other on-the-ground partners to provide urgently needed medical aid. This includes emergency response packs intended for first responders, oxygen concentrators, critical care medicines, and much more.

Together, with the support of our colleagues and partners, we can continue to help those in need. Join us in helping to bring relief and much needed critical resources to Ukraine.

Spread the word and donate to help us reach our goal!

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