877-258-4199 info@gen3marketing.com

Sustainable Footwear Affiliate Program​

Person with a prosthetic leg reaching for the sneaker on their right prosthesis.


A sustainable footwear company, grappled with underperformance in their affiliate marketing program. They struggled with limited strategic depth, compliance management, and a lack of comprehensive visibility into their account.​


Gen3 Marketing stepped in with a hands-on and multi-faceted approach. Our team not only took the reins of administrative tasks such as compliance and invoicing but also developed custom reporting elements to monitor specific data points. The introduction of a dedicated premium content/performance PR team and active recruitment of new partners led to significant program enhancement.


Agency Awards Background Circle
Lift comparing Q1 to Q2 2023
Agency Awards Background Circle
Lift in revenue (Year-to-Date and incremental).

The revenue impact from Gen3’s active recruitment of partners amounted to multiple 7-figures. Key press hits under Gen3 management included articles in CNN, Forbes, and Sports Illustrated, led to substantial increases in clicks, orders, and revenue.​

“Gen3 has not only elevated our affiliate marketing program but also driven substantial growth for our brand. Their hands-on approach and strategic insights have been game changers. We couldn’t be more pleased with the results.” Affiliate Marketing Manager

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