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Home Case Studies How a Strategic Content Focus Led to a Dramatic 82% Revenue Uplift 

How a Strategic Content Focus Led to a Dramatic 82% Revenue Uplift 

Increase in revenue quarter-over-quarter.
Increase in year-over-year revenue in Q2, following a -16% decline in Q1.
Increase in partner activation rates from Q1 to Q2.


In a marketplace brimming with competition, a prominent children’s national brand encountered a downturn in affiliate performance, primarily due to the softening of previously compelling discount offers. This scenario led to a year-over-year affiliate decline, posing significant challenges. The retailer faced promotional constraints, limiting the availability of consumer deals, thereby reducing the incentive for customers to convert.


Gen3 responded with a dynamic content-focused strategy, deftly navigating promotional limitations. Key moves included selecting high-impact products for affiliate promotion, recruiting 68 new content partners and influencers in a single quarter, and creatively redefining evergreen offers. This comprehensive approach revitalized brand promotion, making it more appealing and effective for a wide audience.


  • Achieved an 82% increase in revenue quarter-over-quarter.
  • Witnessed a 55% increase in year-over-year revenue in Q2, following a -16% decline in Q1.
  • Experienced a 39% increase in partner activation rates from Q1 to Q2.

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